Giftival 2016

Welcome to Giftival Brasil, a gathering of celebration, inquiry, sharing, and practices of gift cultures.

Giftival is a remarkable gathering of gift, community, and place. In our four days, Giftival Brazil will host a combination of learning journeys, community conversations, our sharing of projects and gift experiences, and opportunities for small exchanges and individual reflections.  Of course, our time together we will experience Brazilian hospitality with its wide varieties of music, dance and food.

Callers:  Manish Jain, Lina Cramer, Richard Durning, Paulo Farini Milani, Aerin Dunford, Yeyo Beltran, Alpha Lo, Edgard Gouveia, Marie Goodwin, Niels Koldewijn, Rodrigo Alonso

Local Hosts: Institute Elos, Santos, Brasil

November 15-19, 2016

At this time, GIFTIVAL is bringing together a diverse and global group of people who are focusing on gift culture as part of their core work in the world. Our intention is to create a deep dialogue and network around our experiences and wisdom, based on our particular work, projects, and ideas.